No matter whether you own a single property or have an extensive land holding, all landowners have a legal duty of care to ensure their trees are maintained safely.
Our tree surveys and reports are tailored specifically for each individual tree or group of trees, allowing us to provide you with an accurate understanding of the tree’s condition, as well as recommendations for management.
We cover all areas in Suffolk including Ipswich, Woodbridge and the surrounding areas.
We provide a wide range of tree surveys and reports including tree preservation orders, mortgage tree reports for home buyers, subsidence tree reports, tree protection surveys (BS5837) and surveys for bats in trees (BS8596).
All tree surveys are carried out by a qualified tree inspector and/or tree surgeon who can provide you with detailed reports about the tree’s condition, management recommendations, tree protection plans or any other information you need to ensure your trees are managed safely and in accordance with best practices.
Tree preservation orders (TPOs) are legal protection for trees, woods and other vegetation. They are made by local planning authorities to protect specific trees or woodlands from any activity which could cause damage or harm.
A tree protected by a tree preservation order is known as a ‘protected tree’, and the land on which it stands is known as ‘protected land’.
Subsidence tree reports are a type of tree report that assesses the risks posed to adjacent buildings by tree roots and identify any tree related causes of subsidence.
Subsidence tree surveys and reports can be carried out before or after a tree is felled, and use specialist techniques such as arboricultural surveys and soil sampling to accurately evaluate the tree’s condition. The tree report can then be used as evidence to support or refute tree related subsidence claims, and ensure the tree is managed in accordance with best practice.
Mortgage tree reports are tree surveys and assessments carried out for lenders and mortgage companies to ensure that trees on the property are not a liability or risk.
These tree reports provide an independent assessment of tree condition, tree management recommendations, tree protection plans and other important information required by lenders in order to accurately assess the risks posed by the tree(s).
BS8596 Surveys for Bats provide a valuable service for homeowners, land owners and developers who may require information relating to the presence or absence of bats on their property.
BS8596 Surveys are conducted by bat specialists who use specialist techniques such as sonar surveys, tree climb surveys and building inspections in order to accurately identify any potential signs of bat activity. The tree survey report can then be used to provide evidence if any tree works need to be carried out in accordance with the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, or for tree management recommendations.
BS5837 tree protection surveys provide a comprehensive tree assessment of tree health, tree risk and tree condition in order to create a tree protection plan.
The tree survey report is compliant with BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to construction – Recommendations standards, and provides detailed information about the tree’s condition, potential risks posed by the tree, tree management recommendations and tree protection plans. The tree survey report can be used as evidence to ensure all tree works are carried out in accordance with best practice.